Dialing in for the holidays with Holiday Blend

Oh, the joys and the chaos of the holidays. After the whirlwind of errands and meal planning, parties and presents, we're looking forward to brewing a great cup of coffee and enjoying it with loved ones near and dear. And for that, we recommend Holiday Blend: our deliciously festive seasonal tradition.

This year's Holiday Blend is comprised of washed Ethiopian coffees, with a flavor profile that reminds us of citrus garland, bright red berries, and the twinkling lights on a holiday tree. This coffee works great on any brewing method—but did you know it also makes a fantastic espresso? Here's how to get the most out of Holiday Blend on your home espresso machine.

(Note: We dialed in our Holiday Blend on the Breville Barista Express. To get the best experience on your particular home espresso setup, refer to the owner's manual on grinding and dosing settings for your machine.)

Tip #1: Start with 18g in.

Trust us, this will be the perfect amount for the double basket on your home espresso machine. Even out your dose using your index finger (most of us have at least one of those) to gently even out your coffee in the north-south, east-west method.

Then tamp your evenly-distributed dose with firm and gentle pressure, and you're ready to pull a shot!

Tip #2: Too fast? Too slow? Adjust your grind size.

If your espresso is pulling too fast, you'll want to slow it down, right? Likewise, if it's pulling too slow, you'll want to speed it up. To do that, you'll want to adjust your grind. A finer grind will slow the flow of water, slowing down your shot. A coarser grind will allow water to flow more quickly, giving you a speedier shot.

We're looking for a target of 18g of coffee in, 46g of coffee out in about 25 seconds. It may pull a little faster or a little slower, and that's okay. If your shot pulls in 20 seconds, that's too fast. 30 seconds—probably too slow. Taste it and see what you think!

One more thing: if you do make an adjustment, don't overcompensate. Go for small changes, and stick to only one at a time. That way, you'll have a much better idea of what settings work best for this particular coffee on your home machine.

Tip #3: Check your dose!

Adjusting your grind means you might end up with more or less coffee in your dose. We can't emphasize it enough: weigh your coffee! We like to tare our portafilter and weigh each dose after grinding. You could, of course, approximate using whatever dosing tool comes with your espresso machine. The results, however, will be less accurate.

So go on, have fun with this year's Holiday Blend! Serve an après-dinner cup to friends and family, or shake it into an espresso martini. However you enjoy it, we hope you pour generously and savor deeply with someone you love.

Happy holidays from us here at Olympia Coffee!