2020 Coffee Transparency Report

Coffee Transparency Report header image

While 2020 threw a number of previously unimaginable curve balls in our direction, we at Olympia Coffee remained committed to our core mission to improve the quality of life for coffee farmers, for our staff, and for our communities.

2020 tested our determination and resilience, and— supported by our communities and the hard work of our staff— we are proud to have continued the industry-leading work we call Fair For All. This was our third year using the Fair For All certification, and this marks our fourth annual Transparency Report.

Special Projects & Initiatives

Specialty Coffee Transaction Guide

Olympia Coffee donates data to the Specialty Coffee Transaction Guide produced by Emory University, which helps farmers make informed decisions in a volatile business environment. Though 2020 saw average prices paid to farmers decrease, we are proud to have actually increased our prices paid to farmers.

The Pledge

Transparency is clearly core to who we are and how we do business, and two years ago we signed The Pledge along with other coffee industry leaders in an effort to promote greater transparency of prices paid to coffee farmers.

B Corporation Certification

Olympia Coffee underwent rigorous auditing in order to become a certified B Corp in 2019. Meeting higher standards of social and environmental performance, transparency, and accountability helps us in our goal to lead the industry in transparent coffee sourcing and to measurably impact our staff and communities for the better.

Rise LWP

The national reckoning for racial justice spurred by the police killings of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor and Ahmaud Arbery made it imperative for our company to take a proactive approach to diversity and inclusion (D&I) this past year. We’ve partnered with Desiree Wilkins-Finch and Rise LWP to begin the process of an equity audit of our policies and procedures.

Future of Coffee

In an industry that is already in need of structural reform, the global pandemic has made it challenging for farmers to sustain livelihoods. More than ever, supporting coffee producers by generating long-term partnerships, openly sharing information, and paying prices that offer a fair profit margin must continue to be our priority.

2021 Goals

Part of being a responsible company is ensuring that our practices are sustainable and set up for the long term. That’s why we became a Certified B Corporation in 2019. Additionally, we hope to add solar power to run our roastery, headquarters, and flagship cafe in downtown Olympia this year. Abroad, we are currently working on building the groundwork for a new
sourcing program in Mexico; we have several small contracts in place to get a better sense of the potential for future partnerships, as well as to see how you, our customers, respond to these coffees.

We know that our transparency and Fair For All efforts wouldn’t be possible without you, our customers who partner with us daily in these efforts. 2020 marks Olympia Coffee’s 16th birthday, and we thank you for continuing to purchase products that improve your life and the lives of the suppliers who create them.