Origin Trip Report- Cusco, Peru

After years of stumbling along in my pandemic-infused brain via Spanish zoom calls with the team Peru, it was great to finally pack my bag and head back to Peru. It had been many years since I'd been in Peru, in fact, a decade. I was curious to return to see what changed and what stayed the same. Olympia Coffee sourced coffees from Peru from the region of Cusco surrounding the town of Quillabamba for many years.

In 2020 as the pandemic started we had already committed to return to sourcing coffee from the same community. This time with better planning and better support on the ground in partnership with Caravela Coffee.

Peru is easily one of the most beautiful countries in the world. The Andes Mountains high staggering heights, the sun is brighter in the thin air and there definitely a sense of mystery and magic. The history of the cultures and indigenous peoples who have inhabited the mountains of the Cusco area is also just humbling to be in an area so unique and special.
Checking in and meeting with farmers is special, it's always different to share a meal and talk over hours vs a 30-minute video call.
We talked about farming, processing, drying, and life.
Some of the producers we work with are fairly advanced, for example processing coffee via washed Anaerobic for 100% of their harvest. Others are older and practice a more traditional process.
All are producing great coffee that easily clears the quality threshold for Big Truck Organic, Morning Sun, and Sweetheart where we will be using these Peruvian coffees.
We have also worked hard to motivate producers towards higher quality coffees and we have been able to select enough micro lots for the season as well.
All around Peru is proving to be a stable partner in a chaotic sourcing year.

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