El Aguila Pacamara El Salvador selected as 14th top coffee of top 30 Coffees of 2013


The Coffee Review writes

"This exceptional coffee was selected as the #14 coffee in the Coffee Review Top 30 Coffees of 2013. This lot is comprised entirely of the much admired, bold-bean Pacamara variety of Arabica, a cross between the giant-beaned Maragogipe variety and Pacas, a selection of the heirloom Bourbon. Finca El Aguila is owned by farmer Mauricio Ariz and his sons, who are fourth generation growers. Olympia Coffee is the only roaster in the United States to be offering this segregated Finca Aguila Pacamara lot. Olympia Coffee Roasting is a small-batch wholesale and retail roasting company with a youthful, no-nonsense style and a commitment to high quality organic coffees. "

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