How to Cup Coffee, According to the U.S. Cup Tasting Champion

This week, we're cheering on our resident cup tasting legend Jake Donaghy as he heads to the World Cup Tasting Championships in Athens, Greece! Jake's journey from Olympia Coffee roaster and green coffee buyer to U.S. Cup Tasting Champion has been a wild and exciting ride for us, to say the least. For those following along, you might be thinking, "Wow, what a pro!" You might also be thinking: "How can I get this kind of tasting experience for myself?" Or, possibly: "What's with all the slurping?"

Whatever your questions, Jake's here to help answer them! In this quick video, Jake invites us into our downtown Olympia Cupping Lab to share why we cup coffee, what we can get out of it, and a few of his top tips and tricks for coffee tasting.

Check it out, and stay tuned to Olympia Coffee on Instagram and TikTok for updates from Jake as he represents the U.S. on the world specialty coffee stage!

How to Cup Coffee | Olympia Coffee | Full-Length Final from Boyer Media Group on Vimeo.


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